
Women for Collective Identities – Peace, Security and Identitary Cuisine

The M.Th.I. is the winner of the public call “Women-Peace-Security […] to allow the Italian participation in peace and humanitarian initiatives at international level” of the Directorate General for Political and Security Affairs (DGAP) of the MAECI, with the project ” Women for Collective Identities / Peace, Security and Identitary Cuisine ”. Partners are Prospettive Mediterranee association, European Research Institute, Xenia – Scuola Nosco; cooperation members Galilee Institute, The Shorouq Charitable Society for Women, Partners for Transparency, Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies. The project, which will take place online from mid-September and in hybrid mode in Ragusa, Sicily (14 – 17 October 2020), aims to enhance the role of women in peace and decision-making processes concerning the issues of social cohesion and security in post-conflict reconstruction programs, promoting their participation in all sectors of society; protecting their rights and increasing synergies with civil society. Women beneficiaries from Jordan, Egypt, Israel and Palestine among with women from the reference communities of the Sicilian territories

Go to the Facebook page of the project

Download the e-book of the project

Appia Antica Regina Viarum JEA2020

we organize this accompanied walk on the occasion of the JEA2020, on the Appian Way to discover its women and the Grand Tour travelers. The Territorial Club of Rome of the TCI, the Roma 150 Committee, the Archeoclub d’Itaila of the Southern Etruria, Pontieri del Dialogo. The program is free of charge and will take place on June 20. For participation procedures dwnload the flyer.

We have closed the reservation. The event is sold out

Donne Perse(phone) 2020

 posponed until further notice