
#InTransito – 2° edition

“The project, promoted by Roma Culture, is the winner of the Public Notice Contemporaneamente Roma 2020 – 2021 – 2022, curated by the Cultural Activities Department and is carried out in collaboration with SIAE”

In Rome Tiburtina, from 6 to 12 December 2021, #InTransito – creative experiences come back with the theme “Traveling in Italy and Europe in a sustainable, creative and inclusive way”. The event is organized in collaboration with Grandi Stazioni Retail.

After the success of the first edition, held in May 2021, in the new #InTransito space of the Tiburtina Station a rich calendar of activities will be offered to the public of travelers and Romans, to stimulate engaging, interactive and participatory experiences on the theme of travel: “the circular journey of life ”, an installation by the artist Sergio Gotti; the “wandering excursions” of travelers from the past and the future; the interactive “social wall” and physical maps; “The 7 journeys into creativity”, video interviews with great Italian artists; workshops for children; the exhibition of the winning works of ContestEco 2021; the reportage of the EYR2021 and the Connecting Europe Express.

We thanks Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Grandi Stazioni Rail for their support.

With the patronage of UIC (International Union of RailWays), EYR2021,  Touring Club Italiano

Partner Creare e Communicare, Simtur Association, Goethe European Cultural Travel Association – Grand Tour, ByCam Fotografia by Teresa Mancini, La Melagrana by Linda Bagalini, TIT (The International Theater), BiMed (Biennial of Arts and Sciences of the Mediterranean) with the “Staffetta Letteraria”, The Phoenicians’ Route – Itinerary of the Council of Europe

Media Partner Emergenze digitali, RadioLuiss, DISCE (Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies)

Twinning Fai la differenza – The Sustainability Festival

For all appointments:

hashtag #InTransito #CultureRoma # ContemporaneaRoma2021 #Contemporaneamenteroma

#InTransito first edition / Rome

#InTransito Project 1st ed.. Winner of the “Contemporaneamente Roma 2020-2022” call of the Department of Culture of Roma Capitale,  it will take place at the Tiburtina Station in Rome from 18 to 23 May 2021.
Theme of the first year “the journey and the city of Rome“.
The project is promoted by the Roma 150 Committee. Media partner Roma Mobilità, izi.Travel, Invasioni Digitali, partner Movie Logic,Creare e Comunicare, TCI Club di Territorio di Roma, Bycam Fotografia by Teresa Mancini. Thanks to the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Rome Tiburtina – Grandi Stazioni Retail, Grandi Stazioni Rail .

Access to the #InTransito – Creative Experiences event dedicated to Rome will be managed in full compliance with the anticovid rules which provide for a limited and regulated capacity within the spaces.

Reservations for the laboratories are required: Tel. And WhatsApp + 39 350 0119692

#InTransito – Creative experiences dedicated to Rome | 18 – 23 May 2021
Space open to the public every day 13.00 – 19.00 | Saturday 22 May 10.00 – 16.00

Mercante di Stelle

playful-creative workshop for children (7-12 years) with Aziza Essalek, Dino Ruggiero and the collaboration of Letizia Staccioli. Dedicated to Gianni Rodari, for the 100th anniversary of his birth. The activities will take place in the Collina della Pace – Peppino Impastato Park, from 5 to 20 December 2020. In case of rain, the meetings will be hosted at Il Muretto (via Casilina, 1799/M). The activities are free and reservation is recommended: 350 011 96 92 (whatsapp).

Favole in versi

Final meeting of the digital project with spontaneous participation
held on Facebook from April 14 for the 40th anniversary of his death | 100 years from
birth of Gianni Rodari (Omegna, 23 October 1920 – Rome, 14 April 1980)

The meeting will take place at the end of the event “Gianni Rodari. 100 years of dreams e
dreamers “promoted by the” Famija Piemontèisa “, which we thank for the hospitality

SALA ITALIA UNAR | via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 16 / B – Rome

Limited places | Reservations required at +39 349 5487 626
Free admission and use of the mask. In consideration of the regulations for the containment of COVID-19, all necessary preventive measures will be put in place

Les Chats Musiciens 2020

 National Cat Day, performance to celebrate our pet among music, poems, news