
#InTransito – 2° edition

“The project, promoted by Roma Culture, is the winner of the Public Notice Contemporaneamente Roma 2020 – 2021 – 2022, curated by the Cultural Activities Department and is carried out in collaboration with SIAE”

In Rome Tiburtina, from 6 to 12 December 2021, #InTransito – creative experiences come back with the theme “Traveling in Italy and Europe in a sustainable, creative and inclusive way”. The event is organized in collaboration with Grandi Stazioni Retail.

After the success of the first edition, held in May 2021, in the new #InTransito space of the Tiburtina Station a rich calendar of activities will be offered to the public of travelers and Romans, to stimulate engaging, interactive and participatory experiences on the theme of travel: “the circular journey of life ”, an installation by the artist Sergio Gotti; the “wandering excursions” of travelers from the past and the future; the interactive “social wall” and physical maps; “The 7 journeys into creativity”, video interviews with great Italian artists; workshops for children; the exhibition of the winning works of ContestEco 2021; the reportage of the EYR2021 and the Connecting Europe Express.

We thanks Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Grandi Stazioni Rail for their support.

With the patronage of UIC (International Union of RailWays), EYR2021,  Touring Club Italiano

Partner Creare e Communicare, Simtur Association, Goethe European Cultural Travel Association – Grand Tour, ByCam Fotografia by Teresa Mancini, La Melagrana by Linda Bagalini, TIT (The International Theater), BiMed (Biennial of Arts and Sciences of the Mediterranean) with the “Staffetta Letteraria”, The Phoenicians’ Route – Itinerary of the Council of Europe

Media Partner Emergenze digitali, RadioLuiss, DISCE (Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies)

Twinning Fai la differenza – The Sustainability Festival

For all appointments:

hashtag #InTransito #CultureRoma # ContemporaneaRoma2021 #Contemporaneamenteroma


Open letter to Angela Merkel & public online event

1st July 2020 | 11:00 – 20:00 CET

The Citizens Take Over Europe coalition (CTOE) invites citizens and civil society organisations to discuss the political urgency for the future of Europe, starting from the Recovery Fund and the reforms that the European Union needs to make through a European Citizens Assembly. The 1st of July event will be a moment also to discuss how we can design this assembly together and make it happen. The event is planned at the occasion of the beginning of the German EU presidency.

To attend the 1st July event please register here 

The event will be hosted on Zoom and broadcast on Facebook

To get more information on CTOE and to participate in the coalition’s activities:

Appia antica Music Fest and JEA 2020

In consideration of the great interest, we have planned an extra walk along the Appia antica on Saturday 21st at 10:30 am, also in occasion of the European Music Fest, with a special focus on the musicians of the Grand Tour. The  event is already sold out.

Appia Antica Regina Viarum JEA2020

we organize this accompanied walk on the occasion of the JEA2020, on the Appian Way to discover its women and the Grand Tour travelers. The Territorial Club of Rome of the TCI, the Roma 150 Committee, the Archeoclub d’Itaila of the Southern Etruria, Pontieri del Dialogo. The program is free of charge and will take place on June 20. For participation procedures dwnload the flyer.

We have closed the reservation. The event is sold out